Candidates for the 2019 provincial election

Western Cape change

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ActionSA for Western Cape

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African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) for Western Cape

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African Content Movement (ACM) for Western Cape

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African Covenant (ACO) for Western Cape

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African Independent Congress (AIC) for Western Cape

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African National Congress (ANC) for Western Cape

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African People's Convention (APC) for Western Cape

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African Progressive Movement (APMo) for Western Cape

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African Transformation Movement (ATM) for Western Cape

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Africa Restoration Alliance for Western Cape

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Al Jama-Ah for Western Cape

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Alliance for Transformation for All (ATA) for Western Cape

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Alliance of Citizens for Change for Western Cape

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Allied Movement for Change for Western Cape

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All Things are Possible (ATAP) for Western Cape

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Arise South Africa for Western Cape

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Azanian People's Organisation (AZAPO) for Western Cape

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Azania Peaceful Revolution for Western Cape

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Build One South Africa for Western Cape

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Cape Party (CAPE) for Western Cape

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Congress of the People (COPE) for Western Cape

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Democratic Alliance (DA) for Western Cape

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Dienslewerings Party (DLRP) for Western Cape

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Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) for Western Cape

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Forum for Service Delivery (F4SD) for Western Cape

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Free Democrats (FREE DEMS) for Western Cape

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Freedom Front + (Vryheidsfront Plus, FF+) for Western Cape

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Good for Western Cape

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Independent Civic Organisation of South Africa (ICOSA) for Western Cape

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Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) for Western Cape

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Karoo Democratic Force (KDF) for Western Cape

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Khoisan Revolution (KSR) for Western Cape

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Land Party for Western Cape

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Land Party for Western Cape

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National Coloured Congress for Western Cape

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National Freedom Party (NFP) for Western Cape

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New South Africa Party (NewSA) for Western Cape

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Operation Dudula for Western Cape

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Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC) for Western Cape

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Patriotic Alliance (PA) for Western Cape

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People's Movement for Change for Western Cape

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People’s Republic of South Africa (Prosa) for Western Cape

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Plaaslike Besorgde Inwoners (PBI) for Western Cape

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Referendum Party for Western Cape

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Rise Mzansi for Western Cape

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Sizwe Ummah Nation for Western Cape

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Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party (SRWP) for Western Cape

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The Green Party of South Africa (GP) for Western Cape

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Umkhonto Wesizwe for Western Cape

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United Democratic Movement (UDM) for Western Cape

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