Sixth Parliament Review

PMG is excited to launch the review of Sixth Parliament.

The Sixth Parliament has been unprecedented, historical, and foundational.Commencing on 22 May 2019, the Sixth Parliament looked to represent a new dawn for the country, ushering in a period of parliamentary reform, accountability and efficacy in the wake of the ...

Everything You Need To Know About Integrated Development Plans

What are Integrated Development Plans (IDPs)?

An IDP encompasses all of a municipality's goals and objectives for economic and social development in the short, medium and long-term. IDPs are meant to outline strategies to manage municipal finances for the purpose of facilitating everything from basic service provision to infrastructural development, ...

Is the Electoral Amendment Bill Unconstitutional?

We sat down with Election Analyst, Michael Atkins, to discuss the electoral Amendment Bill and what consequences it will have for the 2024 national elections. Read the interview transcript below, and listen to the audio here.

Please note that this is not a verbatim transcript, as it has been edited ...

What You Need To Know About Calls For A National State of Disaster

What You Need To Know About Calls For A National State of Disaster


  • South Africa is suffering from rolling blackouts and an energy crisis. Currently, Eskom’s power stations only have a 58% Energy Availability Factor and experts say that it might be two years before EAF can reach 70%. ...

Social Development Month: Interview with Liezl Linda Van Der Merwe

What is your role on the Portfolio Committee on Social Development?

I am an active member of the Portfolio Committee; my responsibilities include considering all legislation, reports and various other issues that are brought before the Committee, as well as to bring mandates on behalf the IFP. More importantly, it ...

Social Development Month: Interview with Alexandra Abrahams

What is your role on the Portfolio Committee on Social Development?

I represent the Democratic Alliance in my capacity as Member of Parliament (MP) on the Portfolio Committee on Social Development. As MPs we have input in agenda items, however, most of the agenda is made up of statutory items ...

International Day of Democracy: Democratic Elections in South Africa

Pillars of Democracy

Between 1994 and 1996, various roleplayers, including the democratically elected Constitutional Assembly, Parliament, and the Constitutional Court, negotiated the South African Constitution. To this day, the Constitution that was produced has been regarded as one of the more progressive in the world, based on its extensive guarantees ...

International Youth Day 2022: Interview With Fasiha Hassan

We interviewed Fasiha Hassan, the youngest member of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature, to discuss the importance of International Youth Day and youth activism.

Listen to the audio here. Read the transcript below.

Please note that the transcript is not verbatim, as it has been edited for readability.

People's Assembly ...

How Are SCOPA Chairpersons Elected Nationally and Provincially?

What Is The Standing Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA)?

The Standing Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA) is a Legislature Committee that acts as Parliament’s watchdog over the financial expenditure of the Executive. It audits reports, internal audits, forensic reports and any other documents issued by the Auditor-General, as well as ...

Recent Stories

Sixth Parliament Review

Is the Electoral Amendment Bill Unconstitutional?