Mr Vincent Smith - ANC


Political background: I became involved in politics, and the ANC, by being involved in student politics. I became an MP through my leadership position in the ANC as a Deputy Chairperson of the ANC Johannesburg region.

What does your job as an MP entail? My job as an MP really ...

Mr Moses Mhlanga (ANC)


What is your political background? I joined politics formally in 1983 due to the conditions of the time. All black people were compelled in those days to participate in any and all political forums and organisations to liberate ourselves from the exploitation. In 1984 I went into exile were I ...

Infographic: Rhino Poaching

As part of the colloquium on the preparations for the CITES COP17 Conference in South Africa, various inputs were made on the successes, challenges and pitfalls in anti-rhino poaching strategies on 13 September 2016.

According to Dr Sam Ferreira, SANParks Large Mammal Ecologist, South Africa is home to 36% of ...

Opinion & Analysis: SA needs more accountability in its electoral system



The report by Municipal IQ on the trends in service delivery protests in SA is very disturbing. A worrying component of these protests is the increasing level of violence, and even more worrying is the fact that the violence is perpetrated mostly by the youth, who should ...

The Week Ahead: Budget debates and 'Taking Parliament to the People' dominate

For the past two weeks committees have been meeting with departments and entities to pore over their strategic and annual performance plans, budgets and performance targets and prepare reports for consideration by the House.

The focus now shifts to the budget vote debates that commence tomorrow and run until 12 ...

Ms Ellen Prins (ANC)


How did you become involved in politics and what attracted you to your particular party?

I have been a community activist at local government level, assisting people with repossession and eviction disputes from a young age. At the time, I was also a member of the United Democratic Front (UDF) ...

Call to Action: Challenging Mass Surveillance

The Media Policy and Democracy Project (MPDP) and the Right2Know Campaign invite you to an afternoon strategy discussion to bring together activists, unionists, human rights lawyers, students and academics to confront communications surveillance issues in South Africa.


Recent years have seen a range of scandals and revelations about abuses of ...

SONA: Go for the Big Five, President Zuma, you have nothing to lose

By Judith February.

The President should focus on the multi-dimensional nature of South Africa’s crisis: from the economy, to racial polarisation, securitisation of the state, dysfunction and maladministration at local government, the problems are easily identifiable. The SONA should be easy to write. Go for the Big Five, and you’re ...

Ms Sibongile Mchunu - ANC


How did you become involved in politics and particularly, what drew you to your specific party?

I got involved in politics in 1995 at university through being active in the South African Students Congress (SASCO). Every citizen was affected by the politics of the time in South Africa . Outside ...

Rev Kenneth Meshoe


What is your political background? In December 1993, my wife Lydia and I started a political party based on biblical principles called the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP). I became its first President and I have been serving as a Member of Parliament since 1994.

How did you become involved ...

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