1.The details are outlined below.
a) The process followed to appoint Dr Ingrid Tufvesson to the SANEDI Board is the process outlined in section 8(2) of the Nuclear Energy Act.
b) The National Energy Act does not specify any particular criteria that must be met to fill the Chairpersonship, save for the requirement contained in section 8(9), which states that a Board member must have a relevant qualifications and experience or special knowledge.
c) The National Energy Act does not require the SANEDI Board Chairperson to hold specialist energy-related qualifications. However, the Department is confident that Dr Tufvesson possesses the necessary skill and experience to provide effective strategic leadership to the SANEDI Board and the organisation.
2. The position was not advertised, as it is not a specific requirement of the National Energy Act that this must take place.
3. Yes, the consultation with the Minister of Science and Technology was not specific to the Chairperson but rather to the Board as a whole as required by the National Energy Act.