The Department has started a process of building Community Education and Training (CET) Colleges infrastructure to address the challenges of infrastructure in the sector. One billion rand has been allocated to the Community Colleges for infrastructure over the 2023 MTEF period. The initial plan seeks to build Community Colleges and Community Learning Centres in nine (9) provinces: one in each province. The construction is currently in planning phase with consultants having started with the concept designs. The actual construction is targeted to commence in March 2024.
The Department is also working with Provincial Departments for Basic Education to identify properties that are underutilised so that they can be repurposed for Community Learning Centres.
Furthermore, the Department has developed Intergovernmental Protocols on the use of public school facilities of Provincial Education Departments by Community Learning Centres of the Community Colleges under the Department of Higher Education and Training. The Protocols are meant to manage the current relationship between schools and Centres.