To support tracking of domestic climate change policy imperatives, South Africa, as a Non-Annex I Party to the UNFCCC, prepares and regularly updates a National Greenhouse Gas Inventory which provides an account of current emissions levels and trends. The latest official greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory, approved officially by the late Minister of Environmental Affairs and submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), covers a period of 2000 – 2012. However, the Department has prepared preliminary GHG estimates for the period 2000 – 2015, which have gone through an independent review and public consultation process. Thus, in responding to the question raised, the preliminary estimates of 2000 – 2015 are provided by the sector. In terms of South Africa’s GHG inventory, four sectors are covered, and these include the Energy Sector; Industrial Processes and Product Use Sector; Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use Sector; as well as the Waste Sector.
According to the 2000 – 2015 GHG inventory, the net emissions are currently 510 694,09 Gigagrams of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (GgCO2eq). The Energy Sector contributed 84% of these emissions in the year 2015.
The table below provides a breakdown of the 4 sectors and their respective contributions to the national emissions profile across the time series of 2000 – 2015.
Energy |
AFOLU (excl. FOLU) |
AFOLU (incl. FOLU) |
Waste |
Gross total |
Net total |
Emissions (Gg CO2e) |
2000 |
341 494 |
34 071 |
50 600 |
35 306 |
10 838 |
437 003 |
421 709 |
2001 |
339 566 |
34 057 |
50 286 |
33 617 |
11 502 |
435 412 |
418 743 |
2002 |
350 968 |
36 141 |
50 886 |
33 258 |
12 137 |
450 132 |
432 504 |
2003 |
374 586 |
35 607 |
49 252 |
33 674 |
12 755 |
472 199 |
456 622 |
2004 |
390 091 |
35 784 |
49 179 |
35 301 |
13 355 |
488 409 |
474 531 |
2005 |
384 329 |
39 118 |
48 200 |
34 825 |
13 940 |
485 587 |
472 212 |
2006 |
391 155 |
40 173 |
48 529 |
34 803 |
14 511 |
494 368 |
480 642 |
2007 |
419 689 |
38 223 |
47 931 |
35 486 |
15 069 |
520 912 |
508 467 |
2008 |
411 802 |
36 048 |
49 424 |
38 082 |
15 616 |
512 890 |
501 548 |
2009 |
419 841 |
34 352 |
47 656 |
32 970 |
16 150 |
517 999 |
503 313 |
2010 |
433 688 |
36 442 |
48 803 |
30 890 |
16 671 |
535 605 |
517 691 |
2011 |
412 992 |
40 228 |
49 169 |
34 590 |
17 282 |
519 670 |
505 091 |
2012 |
425 532 |
38 955 |
48 224 |
25 429 |
17 866 |
530 577 |
507 782 |
2013 |
445 187 |
41 349 |
49 841 |
20 609 |
18 387 |
554 764 |
525 532 |
2014 |
436 363 |
41 878 |
50 269 |
19 148 |
18 965 |
547 475 |
516 354 |
2015 |
429 872 |
41 882 |
49 592 |
19 407 |
19 533 |
540 878 |
510 694 |
The table below provides the emissions for the base year 2000, the 2012 GHG inventory and the year 2015. It also provides the changes in emissions, in terms of emission levels and percentage, for each of the four sectors.
Sector |
Emissions (Gg CO2e) |
Increase |
Increase |
2000 |
2012 |
2015 |
Gg CO2e |
% |
Gg CO2e |
% |
Energy |
341 494 |
425 532 |
429 872 |
88 377 |
25,9 |
4 340 |
1,0 |
34 071 |
38 955 |
41 882 |
7 812 |
22,9 |
2 927 |
7,5 |
AFOLU (excl. FOLU) |
50 600 |
48 224 |
49 592 |
-1 008 |
-2,0 |
1 368 |
2,8 |
AFOLU (incl. FOLU) |
35 306 |
25 429 |
19 407 |
-15 899 |
-45,0 |
-6 022 |
-23,7 |
Waste |
10 838 |
17 866 |
19 533 |
8 695 |
80,2 |
1 667 |
9,3 |
Gross total |
437 003 |
530 577 |
540 878 |
103 876 |
23,8 |
10 302 |
1,9 |
Net total |
421 709 |
507 782 |
510 694 |
88 985 |
21,1 |
2 912 |
0,6 |