Ms Zukiswa Veronica Ncitha

Politician Profile Page

Zukiswa Veronica Ncitha

About Zukiswa Veronica Ncitha

Committee Meetings Attended

  • NCOP Finance Committee Legacy Report
    14 May 2024


    On 14 May 2024, the Select Committee on Finance convened a virtual meeting to consider and adopt the Committee’s Sixth Parliament Legacy Report.

    The Committee had set seven strategic objectives which guided its activities over the five-year term. These related to processing the fiscal framework of the budget in ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee on General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (NCOP) (2024) General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (GILAB): adoption
    14 May 2024


    The Committee met virtually to consider its options regarding the final stages of the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill. In the previous day’s meeting, the Committee resolved to make two amendments to the Bill regarding the Deputy Chairperson of the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence and aligning the reporting ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee on General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (NCOP) (2024) General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (GILAB): Minister’s response to public submissions & public participation report
    13 May 2024


    The Ad Hoc Committee convened to deliberate on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill, specifically to deal with the public participation report and to hear the responses from the State Security Agency (SSA) on the issues that arise from the public hearings.

    The detailed public participation was presented which ...

  • NCOP Appropriations Committee Legacy Report
    8 May 2024


    In their final meeting of the Sixth Parliament, the Committee met on a virtual platform to consider and adopt its legacy report, which was a handover report for the next Parliament covering recommendations and activities of the work of the Select Committee on Appropriations from 2019 to 2024. Members ...

  • NCOP Finance Public Procurement Bill: NT response to additional public input & Final Mandates
    7 May 2024


    The Select Committee on Finance concluded its processing of the Public Procurement (PP) Bill. This followed a series of deliberations on the Bill, which seeks to provide clear guidelines and standards for procurement across various government entities while promoting transparency, efficiency, and accountability in the procurement process to address ...

  • NCOP Finance Public Procurement Bill: Proposed amendments & deliberations
    2 May 2024


    The Select Committee on Finance convened virtually to continue deliberations on the Public Procurement (PP) Bill.

    Members focused on refining the language of the Bill to ensure that the provisions supported the aim of opening up state procurement to a wider range of participants, and were aligned with some ...

  • NCOP Appropriations Division of Revenue Bill: Final Mandates
    30 Apr 2024


    The Select Committee on Appropriations in the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) convened virtually to consider the final mandates on the Division of Revenue Bill. It was noted that National Treasury had provided a written response to the negotiating mandates.

    The final mandates of eight provinces supported the Division ...

  • NCOP Finance Public Procurement Bill: National Treasury response to public submissions; Procurement & B-BBEE Statistics briefing
    26 Apr 2024


    The Select Committee on Finance convened virtually to discuss stakeholder submission on the Public Procurement (PP) Bill. National Treasury presented the input and its response.

    In its submission to the Committee, Business Unity of South Africa (BUSA) claimed that there was evidence showing that of the public comments received ...

  • NCOP Finance Pension Funds Amendment Bill: adoption
    19 Apr 2024


    The Select Committee on Finance considered and adopted the Pension Funds Amendment (PFA) Bill and the accompanying Committee Report.

    The objective of the Bill is to amend the Pension Funds Act (PFA), of 1956, the Post and Telecommunications Related Matters Act (PTRMA), of 1958, the Transnet Pension Fund Act (TPFA), of ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee on General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (NCOP) (2024) GILAB: SSA briefing; with Minister
    4 Apr 2024


    The Ad Hoc Committee met to be briefed by the State Security Agency (SSA) on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (GILAB) [B40-2003].

    GILAB seeks to enable the President, through this legislation, to establish Domestic Service which shall be responsible for Counter-Intelligence and Intelligence gathering mandates and functions, and ...