Ms Princess Faku

Politician Profile Page

Princess Faku

About Princess Faku

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Communications and Digital Technologies (Subcommittee) Shortlisting of candidates for the MDDA Board vacancies
    31 Aug 2021


    The subcommittee met virtually to shortlist candidates to interview to fill two vacancies on the board of the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA). 13 candidates were shortlisted.

  • Communications and Digital Technologies (Subcommittee) Shortlisting of candidates for the ICASA Council vacancies
    31 Aug 2021


    In a virtual meeting, the subcommittee met to shortlist candidates to interview for the vacancy on the ICASA council

     After much deliberation, the final short list was adjusted from 20 candidates to 23 to accommodate those that had withdrawn from the process and to ensure a wider pool from ...

  • Police Western Cape Community Policing Forums & SAPS; with Deputy Minister
    31 Aug 2021

    The Committee held a virtual meeting to discuss community policing issues in the Western Cape province with the South African Police Service (SAPS), the Western Cape Department of Community Safety and the Cluster Chairpersons of the Community Policing Forums. This was to follow up on an earlier meeting held in ...

  • Police IPID & CSPS 2020/21 Quarter performances (Q2,3 and 4); with Deputy Minister
    25 Aug 2021

    The Portfolio Committee on Police met virtually with the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) and the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service (CSPS) to receive briefings on their quarterly performance reports for the last three quarters of the 2020/21 financial year.

    The Committee suggested that IPID should plan towards making sure ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies (Subcommittee) ICASA Vacancies: Subcommittee Programme
    24 Aug 2021


    The subcommittee met virtually to consider and adopt its programme to fill vacancies on the Independent Communication Authority of SA (ICASA) council – one councillor had resigned with immediate effect and the term of office was expiring for three other candidates. Advertisements closed on the 23 July 2021 after ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies (Subcommittee) MDDA Vacancies: Subcommittee Programme
    24 Aug 2021


    The subcommittee met virtually to consider and adopt its programme on the process to fill vacancies on the board of the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA). There were two vacancies to fill as a result of terms expiring of members. There were to consider such as the number ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies (Subcommittee) SABC Vacancy: Subcommittee Programme
    24 Aug 2021

    The subcommittee met virtually to consider its programme for the process of filling one vacancy on the board of the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC). The Committee received a letter in 22 July 2020 from the then former Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies informing the Committee of a board member’s ...

  • Police Central Firearms Registry & Forensic Science Laboratories; with Ministry
    24 Aug 2021


    In a virtual meeting, the Portfolio Committee met with the South African Police Service (SAPS) to receive an update on the progress within the Central Firearms Registry and Forensic Science Laboratories.

    The first presentation focused on the firearm amnesties, the Central Firearms Registry Action Plan and reported stolen firearms ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies GCIS & MDDA 2020/21 Quarter 3 & 4 performance; with Deputy Minister
    18 Aug 2021

    In a virtual meeting, the Committee considered quarterly reports presented by Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) and Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA).

    The Chairperson announced that, during the last recess, the Committee lost Mr C Mackenzie (DA). The Committee is poorer in his absence. As a Member of ...

  • Police Parliamentary Inquiry ToR; SAPS & IPID Discipline Management; with Ministry
    17 Aug 2021


    In a virtual meeting, the Portfolio adopted its Committee Report on oversight visits to KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng. Members noted that the oversight visit did not go as planned, mainly due to the length of the Minister and Departmental briefing. This resulted in time constraints and meant that the Committee ...