Mr Patrick George Atkinson

Member of the National Assembly

Formerly: Gauteng Provincial Legislature

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Patrick George Atkinson

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About Patrick George Atkinson

Constituency Offices

Not associated with any constituency offices

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Politician Activity

Attendance of committee meetings:

2024 committee attendance as mp

100% attendance rate (1 of 1 )

2019 committee attendance as mp

60% attendance rate (3 of 5 )

2018 committee attendance as mp

93% attendance rate (26 of 28 )

2017 committee attendance as mp

80% attendance rate (16 of 20 )

2016 committee attendance as mp

80% attendance rate (16 of 20 )

2015 committee attendance as mp

91% attendance rate (21 of 23 )

2014 committee attendance as mp

(From the start of the Fifth Parliament)

100% attendance rate (16 of 16 )

DISCLAIMER: This information has been obtained via the Parliamentary Monitoring Group. PMG makes every effort to compile reliable and comprehensive information, but does not claim that the data is 100% accurate and complete.

What they said in committee meetings:

What are committee meetings?

Committee meetings are planned events where real-world impactful work happens such as law-making, oversight and public participation - which are all cornerstones of the work our MPs do. Although often citizens focus on the public debate taking place in main chambers, the majority of MPs' time is spent working within committees. Here is a place to see what your committee is saying.

Mr P Atkinson (DA) noted that the Sun City Airport mater was missing from the report. The development of the ...

Mr P Atkinson (DA) referred his question to the AGSA. Looking at the presentation it was obvious that compliance with ...

Mr P Atkinson (DA) thanked the Minister for a very comprehensive presentation, which had been very impressive. He said Members ...

Questions asked to ministers:

What are questions asked to ministers?

Written questions and feedback are essential tools used by MPs for oversight and hold the executive accountable. This oversight mechanism allows MPs’ to extract detailed information that would normally be difficult to comprehend through oral engagement. You can see the questions that your MPs are asking here.

(1) Whether (a) the National Treasury and/or (b) any entity reporting to him contracted the services of a certain company ...

(1) Whether (a) the National Treasury and/or (b) any entity reporting to him contracted the services of a certain company ...

(1)Whether (a) her department and/or (b) any entity reporting to her contracted the services of a certain company (name and ...

Plenary appearances:

What are plenary appearances?

Plenary sessions are forums that have been created for the purpose of public debate and decision-making. This mechanism is used to convey the messages of our MPs within main chambers on important decisions, like how they vote.

Deputy Speaker, on behalf of the DA, I hereby move without notice:

That the House -

1) notes the recent passing of Mrs Moira Winslow, the former Chairperson of the ...

Madam Speaker, I hereby move without notice:

That the House -

1) notes that on 22 October 2014, the Canadian Federal Parliament in Ottawa was attacked by lone gunman, Michael ...

Declaration of interests

What are declaration of interests?

Annually, MPs are required by parliament to register their financial interests and gifts received in their official capacity. Due to the significant influence of the role that MPs take on, there may be times when their personal or business interests become in conflict with the duty prescribed to them as elected officials representing the public interest. You can see what interests your MPs declared here.
Source Public/Private



Nominal Value No Name of Company Nature

R1 per share


Fire Topaz Investments (Pty)Ltd

Public Company

R10 367.27

79.88 units

Coronation Top 20 Fund

Unit Trust


341 2012 Units

Foord Equity Fund

Unit Trust

R32 827.96

2085.3877 units

Foord Global Equity Fund

Units Trust

R521 107.45

Old Mutual Retirement Annuity Fund

Retirement Fund


PWC Legal

Directorship/Partnership Type of Business

Rainbow Place properties (Pty)Ltd

Property Owing Company

No Name of Company Nature Nominal Value


Fire Topaz Investment

Ordinary Shares

25% Shareholding

Rainbow Place Properties

R1 per share

Old Mutual Wealth

Retirement Investment


Old Mutual Wealth - Retirement Annuity

Retirement Investment

R483 333


Coronation Top 20 Fuund

Unit Trust



Foord Equity Fund

Unit Trust



Foord Global Equity

Unit Trust


Directorship/Partnership Type of Business

Director: Rainbow Place Properties

Property Owning

Description Extent Location

Agricultural Land

1.4 share in approx.. 140 Hectares


No Name of Company Nature Nominal Value


Fire Topaz Investments Ltd

Private Co.

R438 145.19

Retirement Investment

R438 145.19

Retirement Investment

R438 145.19

Retirement Investment

Old Mutual Retirement Annuity

Retirement Inv estment

R498 108.57


Rainbow Place Properties

Property Investment


SA Retirement Annuity Fund

Retirement Investment

R14 873.37


Foord Global Equity Fund

Unit Trust

R16 146.70

Directorship/Partnership Type of Business

Rainbow Place Properties [Director]

ownership of Land [agricultural]

Description Extent Location

Agricultural land

25% Ownership of approx 125ha


Nominal Value Name of Company Nature

R47 200

Foord Investment Management

Unit Trust

R38 900

Coronation Fund Managers

Unit Trust

R52 400

Allan Gray Fund Managers

Unit Trust

R468 064.70

Pld Mutual Retirement Annuity

Unit Trust

R417 230.42

Old Mutual Pension Preservation

Unit Trust

R101 150.87

Old Mutual Endowment

Endowment Policy

R14 505.00

Old Mutual Endowment

Endowment Policy

Directorship/Partnership Type of Business

Rainbow Place Properties [Director]

Ownership of farming land

Description Extent Location

Agricultural land undeveloped [25% ownership]



Nominal Value No Name of Company Nature

R63 976.79


Coronation Top 20 Fund

Unit trust

R50 000


Allan Gray Equity Fund

Unit trust

R424 531.26

Fairbairn Capital Retirement Annuity Plan

Retirement Annuity

R371 549.48

Fairbairn Capital Preservation Pension Fund

Pension Preservation Fund

R83 259.45

Old Mutual

Endowment Policy

R12 219

Old Mutual


R300 000


Rainbow Place Properties

Private Co.

Directorship/Partnership Type of Business

Rainbow Place Properties

Property owning

Description Extent Location

Agricultural land

