Hon Deputy Speaker, the ANC commends and congratulates the Department of Arts and Culture and the City of Johannesburg for the support they give to the Joburg Ballet group. Later this month, as part of the South Africa-China season, a programme is being conducted by the Department of Arts and Culture, aimed at ensuring social cohesion and nation-building and creating relationships amongst the peoples of the world through arts and culture. The Johannesburg-based ballet group will be touring three cities in China and will perform together with the Chinese ballet group for the audiences of China.
Some members of this hon House had the opportunity to attend a showcasing of what is to be expected on this tour at a function held in Johannesburg on Saturday, 8 November 2014. Members were extremely impressed by the performance of the ballet artists, who were youngsters from around Johannesburg. The members who attended said that this ballet group is indeed a world-class African ballet company, as their logo states. We hope to see similar initiatives in all our towns and townships across the country, where talent is unearthed and put on the world platform to perform. This initiative is clearly in line with the ANC election manifesto and the National Development Plan. I thank you, House Chairperson.