Madam Speaker, I move without notice:
That the House -
1) notes that a joint venture between private and public sector partners, of which Meltronics is the principal partner, has resulted in the setting up of a new state-of-the-art cardiology centre at Tygerberg Hospital in Cape Town; 2) further notes that this initiative will enable patients to undergo angiographies sooner than before, with the added advantage of its being safer, cheaper and even quicker;
3) concurs with Dr Hellmuth Weich that South Africa has indeed been experiencing "an avalanche of coronary disease";
4) appreciates the fact that Tygerberg Hospital will now be in a position to increase considerably the number of poor patients receiving angiographies;
5) recognises Prof Anton Doubell, who set up the nonprofit organisation SUNHeart, for being at the forefront of this service; and
6) congratulates Tygerberg Hospital and all its partners for setting up this state-of-the-art service for the benefit of patients.
Agreed to.