Order! Hon members, I now come to a matter relating to a letter I received earlier today from hon Mabe, requesting an opportunity to give a personal explanation in regard to an incident that occurred in the National Assembly on 16 September 2014.
Assembly Rule 69(2) states that:
A member may, with the prior consent of the presiding officer, ... explain matters of a personal nature, but such matters may not be debated, and the member shall confine himself or herself strictly to the vindication of his or her own conduct ...
I will now allow the member the opportunity as requested. Hon Mabe, please proceed.
Hon Speaker, I withdraw my statement and apologise unconditionally. Thank you. [Applause.]
Hon Mabe, I think the House appreciates the spirit of your withdrawal but, just for clarity, maybe you should remind us of what you are talking about. [Interjections.] No, I'm serious.
It is for an unfortunate statement that I made, hon Speaker. However, I'm embarrassed and I cannot say it again in public. I apologise unconditionally, Madam Speaker, and I withdraw it. [Applause.]
Okay. [Applause.] Hon members, we now come to the first ... [Interjections.] Yes, hon Ndlozi.
Hon Speaker, I rise to seek clarity on whether hon Mabe's matter will be referred to the Powers and Privileges Committee.
Hon member, the Speaker is dealing with the matter; you shall know when it is necessary for you to know. [Laughter.]