Digging deeper into Elections 2016: A detailed look at electoral participation and party support


The Institute for Security Studies, Democracy Works and the Goedgedacht Forum would like to invite you to attend: Digging deeper into Elections 2016: A detailed look at electoral participation and party support.

The seminar will be addressed by Dr Collette Shulz-Herzenberg (Lecturer - Politics at Stellenbosch University) and Dr William Gumede (Political commentator, author & chair Democracy Works). It will be chaired by Judith February (Senior Research Associate, ISS).


The 2016 local government election has been described as a ‘game-changer’. The ANC’s support has dropped below the psychological mark of 60% and the DA has made important inroads, with the EFF playing kingmaker in key metros. But beneath the ‘spin’, what do the numbers actually reflect about electoral participation, the DA’s showing in traditional ANC strongholds and the so-called urban-rural divide in SA politics? In addition, what conclusion can we draw from these results regarding the 2019 election and specifically what are the implications for the ANC and our future governance trajectory?

Event information Date: 1 September 2016 Time: 5:00 pm for 5:30 pm Venue: 6 Spin Street, Cape Town

Please RSVP to Helen ([email protected]) before 29th August 2016.

Thanks to the Hans Seidel Foundation for their generous and ongoing support.


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