How To Make A Submission On A Bill

Closing the Gap: The Municipal Indigent Register

In 2001, South Africa adopted an indigent policy intended to provide free basic services to poor households. Under this policy, municipalities are required to identify indigent households that would receive services such as water, electricity, sanitation, and refuse. Households are required to register with municipalities to qualify for free basic ...

Why Parliaments Matter 2023

On the 30th of June, the world comes together to celebrate International Day of Parliamentarism, also referred to as World Parliament Day; recognising the crucial role of parliaments in promoting democracy, upholding human rights, and facilitating inclusive governance. The focus for this year is climate action. The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) ...

Child Protection Week 2023

Child Protection Week is commemorated in the country annually to raise awareness of the rights of children as articulated in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa and Children's Act (Act No. 38 of 2005). The campaign is led by the Department of Social Development in partnership with key ...

Policy Newsletter: April Edition

In collaboration with Activate! Change Drivers, the April edition of our Policy Newsletter is now available!

The primary focus of the A! Newsletter is to provide you with updates on policies, legislation and portfolio committees. We want to ease access to information about public policy and legislation so that you ...

Is the Electoral Amendment Bill Unconstitutional?

We sat down with Election Analyst, Michael Atkins, to discuss the electoral Amendment Bill and what consequences it will have for the 2024 national elections. Read the interview transcript below, and listen to the audio here.

Please note that this is not a verbatim transcript, as it has been edited ...

Policy Newsletter: March Edition

In collaboration with Activate! Change Drivers, the March edition of our Policy Newsletter is now available!

The primary focus of the A! Newsletter is to provide you with updates on policies, legislation and portfolio committees. We want to ease access to information about public policy and legislation so that you ...

What Is The Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill, and How Can I Make Submissions?

Discussing The BELA Bill

On Thursday the 9th of June, People's Assembly hosted a Civic Education Forum aimed to providing the public with adequate information to help them understand and make comments on the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill. This discussion was facilitated by Drew Haller (PA Communication Officer)and the ...

An Interview with Mbinqo-Gigaba: Public Participation Processes for the BELA Bill

1.Does the Committee intend conducting provincial public hearings on the bill?

It is a Constitutional imperative that Parliament seeks public input when it deals with legislation, whether it is new Bills or amending existing Bills. The committee will therefore follow the example of all committees and conduct public hearings on ...

Have Your Say on the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill