2024-w446 - 29 April 2024

Noko Phineas Masipa to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

(a) What are the strategies and plans of her department regarding the provision of extension services to the small-holding farmers and (b) how does she plan to use graduates in agriculture to assist with extension services, especially for land reform and small-scale farmers?

2024-w805 - 29 April 2024

Thandeka Moloko Mbabama to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Whether she has found that awarding beneficiaries of land claims financial compensation instead of land under the Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Act, Act 15 of 2014, has been a wise policy; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what is her rationale for saying so?

2024-w747 - 29 April 2024

Mothusi Kenneth Montwedi to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What (a) are the reasons that livestock that are kept at some of her department’s experimental farms can go for more than two years without being vaccinated and (b) programme has been put in place to ensure that there is a consistent supply of (i) vaccines and (ii) feed for the animals?

2024-w545 - 22 April 2024

Noko Phineas Masipa to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

With regard to the Land Bank clients who frequently voice concerns about the impact of higher interest rates on their loans with the bank, how is she and/or her department supporting the farmers in mitigating the effects of higher interest rates, which often constrain their profits, ability to pay workers and their livelihoods?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 22 Apr 2024

The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) has established the Blended Finance Scheme to broaden access to affordable finance through the provision of grants which are intended to complement loans granted by Participating Finance Institutions (PFI) towards the commercialisation of Black producers, with the goal being to increase the number of Black producers in the agriculture and agro-processing sector.

Land Bank ...

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2024-w850 - 22 April 2024

Robert Alfred Lees to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

With reference to the Ntabebomvu Community Trust IT 1781/2007/N that represents the Ntabebomvu Community who were successful in claiming the restoration of land rights in terms of the Restitution of Land Rights Act, Act 22 of 1994 (details furnished), what are the relevant details of all grants awarded to the Trust and/or beneficiaries from the time of the success of the claim to date including (a) the total amount of each grant, (b) the purpose of each grant, (c) to whom and/or what entity the grant funds were paid and (d) the relevant details of each bank account into which grant funds were deposited; (2) what are the names of the persons legally authorised to act as trustees of the Trust in terms of the Letters of Authority issued by the Master of the KwaZulu-Natal Division of the High Court, dated 25 July 2022; (3) whether all the officials of his department, in particular a certain official (details furnished) working with the trustees, were duly appointed by the Master of the KwaZulu-Natal Division of the High Court on 22 July 2022; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 22 Apr 2024

1. No grants were paid.

(a),(b),(c ) Falls away.

2. Mr Cleophas Mlamo, Patrick Dladla, Lungisani Mlambo, Dumazile Ntuli late, Themba Mlambo late, Samson Welcome and Dwi Welcome the two withdrawn from Committee. and four trustees have since passed way.

3. No departmental official was appointed by the Master of the KwaZulu-Natal Division of the High Court.


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2024-w848 - 22 April 2024

Robert Alfred Lees to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

With reference to the Ntabebomvu Community Trust IT 1781/2007/N that represents the Ntabembomvu Community members who were successful in claiming the restoration of land rights in terms of the Restitution of Land Rights Act, Act 22 of 1994 (details furnished), what are the details of farms and/or lots that were transferred to the Trust including but not exclusive to the (a) farm and/or Lot numbers, (b) descriptions of the farms and/or lots, (c) extent of area and (d) price paid for each farm and/or lot; (2) what are the details of all (a) fixed and (b) movable assets purchased to be transferred to the Trust including but not exclusive to (i) a full description of each item and (ii) the price paid for each item and/or asset?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 22 Apr 2024

(1)(a),(b),(c),(d) Please refer to the table below.

(a) details of farms and/or lots that were transferred to the Trust including but not exclusive to the (a) farm and/or Lot numbers

(b) descriptions of the farms and/or lots

(c) extent of area

(d) price paid for each farm and/or lot;

Lot 384 Weenen GT & Lot 426 Weenen Township GT

Lot 384 Weenen GT ...

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2024-w849 - 22 April 2024

Robert Alfred Lees to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

With reference to the Ntabebomvu Community Trust IT 1781/2007/N that represents the Ntabembomvu Community members who were successful in claiming the restoration of land rights in terms of the Restitution of Land Rights Act, Act 22 of 1994, (details furnished), what are the details of (a) land and/or lots successfully claimed by the Trust that have not been purchased and/or not transferred to the Trust and (b) the reasons that the specified farms and/or lots have not been purchased and/or transferred to the Trust; (2) what are the details of farms and/or lots purchased for the Trust that are (a) rented and (b) leased and/or used by third parties, including but not exclusive to the (i) names of persons and/or entities of each tenant/lessor/user, (ii) rent paid by each tenant/lessor/user, (iii) term of each rental or lease and/or use agreement and (iv) details of the person(s) who entered into agreements with any tenants, lessors and/or users on behalf of the Trust?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 22 Apr 2024

(1)(a) Please refer to the table below.







Erf 130 Weenen Township


JL Buys



Portion 18 of erf 142

7,552 square metres

SJJ Le Roux



Portion 19 of erf 142

3,040 square metres

SJJ Le Roux



Erf 172 Weenen Township


JL Buys



Rem Ext of erf 273 Weenen ...

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2024-w210 - 17 April 2024

Nthako Sam Matiase to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

With reference to settled land restitution claims, what (a) total number of the resettled claimants have entered into strategic partnership arrangements with strategic partners and (b) are the names of the (i) specified resettled claimants and (ii) strategic partners with whom they entered into agreements?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 17 Apr 2024

(a) The Commission on Restitution of Land Rights (CRLR) does not keep a record of strategic partnerships entered into by settled land restitution claimants. Once property is transferred, the transferee may enter into partnerships in their own legal capacity. The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) has however, through the Land Development Support (LDS) Programme, assisted fourteen (14) restitution projects.

(b)(i),(ii) Please ...

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2024-w816 - 17 April 2024

Petrus Johannes Groenewald to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

(1) (a) Who are the trustees and (b) how were they appointed to be trustees of the Maele Trust Structure which was established in terms of an agreement to assure a sustainable legal and business model for the future of the Ba Ga-Motlhware and associated clans, consisting of the Maele Tribal Community Development Trust (IT 52/2019) and the Maele Royal Trust (IT 53/2019); (2) what total (a) percentage and (b) amount of income of the specified trust benefited the (i) Maele Tribal Community Development Trust and (ii) Maele Royal Trust for the past five financial years; (3) what (a) total number of outstanding land restitution claims with regard to the subject Maele territory of concern has not been finalised since 1 January 1998 and (b) are the reasons that the claims have not yet been finalised?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 17 Apr 2024


(1)(a),(b) The Commission on Restitution of Land Rights does not have any record for Maele Trust. The Honourable Member is requested to provide more information and location of the said trust to enable the Department to respond to the question.

(2)(a),(b)(i),(ii) Falls away.

(3) The Commission does not have any record of land claims in respect of Maele territory.

(a),(b) Falls away.


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2024-w494 - 17 April 2024

Babalwa Mathulelwa to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What urgent steps of intervention have been taken to develop smallscale farmers who have previously requested assistance with storage and processing machinery in (a) Mbizana, (b) Mthatha and (c) Matatiele in the Eastern Cape?

Reply from the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 17 Apr 2024

a) Winnie Madikizela-Mandela Municipality (WMM)


  • WMM Local Municipality (LM): mechanization center at Mbizana Rural Enterprise Development (RED) Hub at Dyifani (Ward 31) that has 2 silos for maize storage.
  • There are also 4 multi-purpose sheds that will assist with the storage and packaging of agricultural products in WMM LM at Mbongweni (Ward 14), Ndakeni (Ward 8), Nyaka (Ward 18) and Mbenya (Ward 32). ...
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