Ms Xoliswa Sandra Tom

Politician Profile Page

Xoliswa Sandra Tom

About Xoliswa Sandra Tom

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Arts and Culture Arts and Culture Portfolio Committee Legacy Report
    12 Mar 2019

    Available here once published: Legacy Reports

    The Committee convened for their last meeting prior to the 2019 general election to discuss the draft Arts and Culture Portfolio Committee Legacy Report covering their time as Members between 2014 and 2019. Members were thanked for their five years of service by the ...

  • Arts and Culture Arts, Culture and Heritage White Paper: Department briefing
    26 Feb 2019

    The Committee was briefed by the Department on the Revised Draft White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage and the issues of dissatisfaction with the Department raised by public entities. Public consultations were held in all the nine provinces with multiple government departments.

    The Committee was dissatisfied with the way ...

  • Arts and Culture PanSALB candidates: finalisation
    21 Feb 2019

    The Portfolio Committee on Arts and Culture recommended fifteen names to be appointed to serve on the Board of PANSALB. The list comprised candidates who had expertise in languages, finance and law. In addition, the list had more than 50% representation of women, including a candidate with disability.

    Members noted ...

  • Arts and Culture Forensic investigations at PACOFS, NAC, SAHRA, National Library, NFVF, SA Roadies Association, Robben Island; with Deputy Minister
    19 Feb 2019

    The Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) briefed the Portfolio Committee on the current status of its entities, focusing on how they were responding to challenges involving poor governance and leadership. It also gave details of how it was assisting the entities to deal with load shedding.

    At the National ...

  • Arts and Culture DAC Quarter 2 performance; Arts, Culture & Heritage White Paper: update; with Deputy Minister
    4 Dec 2018

    Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) told the Committee millions of rands had been raised through the “Global Citizen” concert that was held on Sunday 2 December. However, it warned that the arts and culture sector was faced with a lot of financial burdens and needed to formulate a survival ...

  • Joint Multi-party Women’s Caucus SA's Fathers report: Sonke Gender Justice briefing
    29 Nov 2018

    The Portfolio Committee on the Multi-Party Women Caucus met to receive briefs from Sonke Gender Justice on the State of SA’s Fathers Report; the Department of Social Development and the Women Ministry on the new South African Integrated Programme of Action Addressing Violence Against Women and Children and to adopt ...

  • Arts and Culture Pan South African Language Board Interviews day 3
    23 Nov 2018

    The Portfolio Committee on Arts and Culture conducted its third day of interviews for candidates to be appointed to the Pan South African Languages Board (PanSALB).

    The Committee interviewed six shortlisted candidates. The interviewed candidates were Mr Dennis Joseph Malunga Ngcangca, Mr Mashite Jacob Mogale, Ms Preetha Dabideen, Ms Prudence ...

  • Arts and Culture Pan South African Language Board Interviews day 2
    21 Nov 2018

    The Portfolio Committee conducted its second session of interviews for board members to be appointed to the Pan South African Languages Board (PanSALB).

    The Committee had 10 shortlisted candidates, but one candidate withdrew from the race. The interview candidates were Ms Bernedette Muthien, Ms Lolie Makubu-Badenhorst, Mr Thulani John Mbuli, ...

  • Arts and Culture Pan South African Language Board Interviews day 1
    20 Nov 2018

    The Committee conducted interviews of candidates to be appointed to the board of the Pan South African Language Board (PanSALB).

    The committee had shortlisted 25 candidates. On its first day, it interviewed 9 candidates: Mr C Gqabu, Mr T Maahlamela, Ms S Dichabe, Ms N Rasana, Ms F Dlavane, Mr ...

  • Arts and Culture Department of Arts and Culture on current status of affairs at NAC, NLSA, PACOFS and NFVF
    13 Nov 2018

    The Department of Arts and Culture reported on the current status of affairs of entities under the Department. These entities, the National Arts Council (NAC), the National Library of South Africa (NLSA), the Performing Arts Council of the Free State (PACOFS) and the National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF). The ...