Mr Nkosinathi Benson Fihla

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Nkosinathi Benson Fihla

About Nkosinathi Benson Fihla


Mr B Fihla (ANC) answered some of the concerns about minimum sentences, and thought that they would be appropriate for this Bill, in view of the seriousness of the crimes. ...

Members Present: Mr Fihla (ANC); Mr Landers (ANC); Ms Mentor (ANC); Ms Smuts (DA); Mr Maynier (DA); Mr Swart (ACDP) Mr Shilowa (COPE) and Dr Oriani-Ambrosini (IFP).

Mr B Fihla (ANC) agreed with Ms Mentor that all inputs should be placed before Members first, to isolate common areas, and those where there was disagreement.