Mr Mtikeni Patrick Sibande

Politician Profile Page

Mtikeni Patrick Sibande

About Mtikeni Patrick Sibande


Chairperson, hon Ministers, MEC Ndosi, hon members, government officials, ladies and gentlemen.

Ngena naye! Phuma naye! Lesi isikhalo esivamile uma kugitshelwa noma kwehliwa esitimeleni. Ngaleso sikhathi kukhalwa ubumayemaye kubagibeli abagibelayo ...

Ngiyabonga Sihlalo, ngiyacabanga ukuthi ngizotshontsha lemizuzwana esele. [Thank you, Chairperson; I think I will only steal the remaining minutes.]

Chairperson, hon Ministers, hon Members of the Executive Council, MECs, hon ...

Hon Chairperson, hon Ministers, hon members, ladies and gentlemen, I feel honoured once more and again want to thank all South Africans who voted in the last elections. In Mpumalanga ...