Dr Kenneth Leonard Jacobs

Formerly: National Assembly

Kenneth Leonard Jacobs

About Kenneth Leonard Jacobs

Constituency Offices

Not associated with any constituency offices

Contact Details:

Former positions:

Public messages sent to this politician

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Politician Activity

Attendance of committee meetings:

2024 (6th Parliament) committee attendance as mp

100% attendance rate (1 of 1 )

2023 committee attendance as mp

91% attendance rate (21 of 23 )

2022 committee attendance as mp

100% attendance rate (44 of 44 )

2021 committee attendance as mp

97% attendance rate (59 of 61 )

2020 committee attendance as mp

78% attendance rate (18 of 23 )

2019 committee attendance as mp

100% attendance rate (13 of 13 )

DISCLAIMER: This information has been obtained via the Parliamentary Monitoring Group. PMG makes every effort to compile reliable and comprehensive information, but does not claim that the data is 100% accurate and complete.

What they said in committee meetings:

What are committee meetings?

Committee meetings are planned events where real-world impactful work happens such as law-making, oversight and public participation - which are all cornerstones of the work our MPs do. Although often citizens focus on the public debate taking place in main chambers, the majority of MPs' time is spent working within committees. Here is a place to see what your committee is saying.

No appearances found

Questions asked to ministers:

What are questions asked to ministers?

Written questions and feedback are essential tools used by MPs for oversight and hold the executive accountable. This oversight mechanism allows MPs’ to extract detailed information that would normally be difficult to comprehend through oral engagement. You can see the questions that your MPs are asking here.

Since the introduction of the Ideal Clinic Programme in 2013, what (a) total number of the assessed clinics have satisfied ...

(a) What are the relevant details of the challenges his department is facing in dealing with provinces that underspend on ...

What is the progress in building an integrated national health information system that will enable any healthcare institution to access ...

Plenary appearances:

What are plenary appearances?

Plenary sessions are forums that have been created for the purpose of public debate and decision-making. This mechanism is used to convey the messages of our MPs within main chambers on important decisions, like how they vote.

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Thank you, Minister. There are many institutions which develop models about epidemics in South Africa. South Africans can get a better understanding of the epidemic's trajectory ...

Hon Chairperson, we have heard here today that Tuberculosis, TB, is a leading reported cause of death which is 88.4% of all deaths in South Africa and the leading cause ...

Declaration of interests

What are declaration of interests?

Annually, MPs are required by parliament to register their financial interests and gifts received in their official capacity. Due to the significant influence of the role that MPs take on, there may be times when their personal or business interests become in conflict with the duty prescribed to them as elected officials representing the public interest. You can see what interests your MPs declared here.
Details of Contract and Management thereof Period of Contract Value of Contract Name of State Entity

Nothing to disclose

Directorship/Partnership in any Corporate Body Type of Business Activity

Sustainable Land and Sea Harvest RSA GasParowkloof Investments CC

DormantDormantProperty, Academic teaching and Learning

Source Description Value

Nothing to disclose

BRICS International Co operation Committee on Health and Medical Care

Johannesburg -Guangzhou -Johannesburg business class flights, groundtransport, accommodation 3-4 star hotels in China for 16 to 29 April 2023


Extent of the Property Location-Area Description of Property

2,96 ha600 square metres380 square metres

WellingtonPaarlCape Town

HouseCommercial PropertyHouse

Source Public/Private

Sanlam Retirement AnnuityPPS Retirement Annuity


Nominal Value Number of Shares Name of Company Nature



ProfessionalProvident Society

Sponsor Description of Journey

Nothing to disclose

Source Description of Benefit

Nothing to disclose

Source of Sponsorship Extent Description of Assistance/Sponsorship

Nothing to disclose

Name of Employer Type of Business

Nothing to disclose

Type of Business Activity Value of any Benefits derived Name of Organisation

Nothing to disclose

Trustee/Beneficiary Details of benefits derived Registration Number Name of Trust

Kenneth Jacobs Xavier JacobsHenry D Smidt


KL Jacobs Family Trust IT1972/2010

Details of Contract and Management thereof Period of Contract Value of Contract Name of State Entity

Nothing to disclose

Directorship/Partnership in any Corporate Body Type of Business Activity

Sustainable Land and Sea Harvest RSA GasParowkloof Investments CC

DormantDormantProperty, Academic teaching and Learning

Source Description Value

Nothing to disclose

Extent of the Property Location-Area Description of Property

2,96 ha600 square metres380 square metres

WellingtonPaarlCape Town

HouseCommercial PropertyHouse

Source Public/Private

Sanlam Retirement AnnuityPPS Retirement Annuity


Nominal Value Number of Shares Name of Company Nature



ProfessionalProvident Society

Sponsor Description of Journey

Nothing to disclose

Source Description of Benefit

Nothing to disclose

Source of Sponsorship Extent Description of Assistance/Sponsorship

Nothing to disclose

Name of Employer Type of Business

University of Stellenbosch


Type of Business Activity Value of any Benefits derived Name of Organisation

Nothing to disclose

Trustee/Beneficiary Details of benefits derived Registration Number Name of Trust

Kenneth Jacobs Xavier JacobsHenry D Smidt



KL Jacobs FamilyTrust

Period of Contract Value of Contract Details of Contract and Management thereof Name of State Entity

Type of Business Activity Directorship/Partnership in any Corporate Body

Dormant Dormant Property; Academic teaching and training

Sustainable Land and Sea Harvest RSA Gas Parowkloof Investments CC

Source Description Value

Extent of the Property Location – Area Description of Property

2,96ha 48 square metres 600 square metres 68 square metres 380 square metres

Wellington Bellville Paarl Paarl Cape Town

House Apartment Commercial property House House

Source Public/Private

Sanlam Retirement Annuity PPS Retirement Annuity

Private Private

Nominal Value Number of Shares Name of Company Nature



Professional Provident Society

Sponsor Description of Journey

Source Description of Benefit

Description of Assistance/Sponsorship Source of Sponsorship Extent

Name of Employer Type of Business

University of Stellenbosch


Registration Number Trustee/Beneficiary Name of Trust Details of all benefits derived

IT 1972/2010

Kenneth Jacobs Xavier Jacobs Henry D Smidt

KL Jacobs Family Trust

None None None

Name of State Entity Details of Contract and Management thereof Period of Contract Value of Contract

Directorship/Partnership in any Corporate Body Type of Business Activity

Sustainable Land and Sea Harvest


Parowkloof Investments CC

Property; Academic teaching and training

Source Description Value

Extent of the Property Location – Area Description of Property

2,96 ha 48 square metres 48 square metres 600 square metres 68 square metres 380 square metres

Wellington Bellville Bellville Paarl Paarl Cape Town

House Apartment Apartment Commercial property House House

Source Public/Private

Sanlam Retirement Annuity PPS Retirement Annuity

Private Private

Nominal Value Number of Shares Name of Company Nature



Professional Provident Society

Sponsor Description of Journey

Source Description of Benefit

Source of Sponsorship Description of Assistance/Sponsorship Extent

Name of Employer Type of Business

University of Stellenbosch


Type of Business Activity Name of Organisation Value of any Benefits derived

Details of all benefits derived Registration Number Trustee/Beneficiary Name of Trust

None None None

IT 1972/2010

Kenneth L Jacobs Xavier F Jacobs Henry D Smidt

KL Jacobs Family Trust

Source Public/Private



Nominal Value Number of Shares Name of Company Nature

± R3,2m

100% member

Parow Kloof Investments




Sustainable land and sea harvest





In deregistration

R529 081,96



Ordinary +Supplementary +Deferred units

Details of all benefits derived Registration Number Trustee/Beneficiary Name of Trust

Residential property


Kreton L Jacobs – Beneficiary

KL Jacobs Family Trust

Kenneth H. Jacobs – Beneficiary

Luke R. Jacobs – Beneficiary

Liam E. Jacobs - Beneficiary

Kenneth L. Jacobs – Trustee

Xavier F. Jacobs – Trustee

Heuvry D. Smidt - Trustee

Directorship/Partnership in any Corporate Body Type of Business Activity

Parow Kloof Investments CC


Sustainable Land and Sea harvest

None at the moment

Extent of the Property Location – Area Description of Property

Small holding



± 500 square metres



± 60 square metres



± 48 square metres



± 48 square metres



± 40 square metres

Cape Town
