Mr Denis Joseph

Politician Profile Page

Denis Joseph

About Denis Joseph

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Finance (WCPP) Western Cape Appropriation Bill: Provincial Treasury budget, with MEC
    7 Mar 2019

    The Western Cape Provincial Treasury appeared before the Committee to discuss the 2019/20 Provincial Treasury budget. Three focus areas had been identified, that was making sure that internal governance issues were addressed in relation to processes and people management, there was a continued focus on the Public Finance Management Act ...

  • Budget Committee (WCPP) Western Cape Appropriation Bill, 2019: Provincial Treasury briefing
    5 Mar 2019

    The Provincial Treasury briefed the Budget Committee on the 2019 budget and 2018/19 additional adjustment appropriations. The 2019 Budget demonstrated the province’s commitment to policy priorities and focused on “maximum citizen impact”. The aim of the Department was to enhance governance through innovation, partnerships and technology, and to apply the ...

  • Budget Committee (WCPP) Western Cape Provincial Treasury on Quarter 3 performance
    1 Mar 2019

    The Committee was briefed on the Third Quarter Performance of the Provincial Treasury for the current financial year. Spending in this period amounted to R 45.499 billion of the R63.212 billion adjusted budget. Performance in the 2018/19 period of the province included a net adjustment of R463.308 million made to ...

  • Public Accounts (SCOPA) (WCPP) Department of Agriculture & CASIDRA 2016 /17 & 2017/18 Annual Report; Auditor-General South Africa and Audit Committee on audit outcomes
    27 Feb 2019

    The Audit Committee (AC), the Audit and Risk Committee (ARC), Casidra and the Western Cape Department of Agriculture appeared before the Standing Committee on Public Accounts for a briefing on their 2016/17 and 2017/18 annual reports.

    The AC reviewed the reports of the Internal Auditors, the Audit Report on the ...

  • Public Accounts (SCOPA) (WCPP) Department of Agriculture & CASIDRA 2016 /17 & 2017/18 Annual Reports: AGSA on audit outcomes
    26 Feb 2019

    The Standing Committee was briefed on the PFMA audit outcomes of the Western Cape Department of Agriculture 2016,2017and 2018; and it was  briefed on the PFMA audit outcomes of Western Cape Casidra for the 2016,2017,2018 financial years.


    The Standing Committee on Public Accounts was left baffled by the manner ...

  • Finance (WCPP) National Gambling Amendment Bill: public hearings
    22 Feb 2019

    The Committee met to discuss the National Gambling Amendment Bill. Matters that featured prominently during the meeting included the proposed reconfiguration of the National Gambling Board to the National Gambling Regulator, run by a single functionary in the person of a chief executive officer (CEO); decision-making at second meetings by ...

  • Finance (WCPP) Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board vacancies: Provincial Treasury briefing
    13 Feb 2019

    The Committee met with the Provincial Treasury to discuss the process that led to the selection of candidates for the vacant positions in the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board. The current Committee will consider shortlisted candidates and make appropriate recommendations to the Minister, while the incoming Committee will be responsible ...

  • Public Accounts (SCOPA) (WCPP) Department of Agriculture Annual Reports scrutiny: way forward
    6 Feb 2019

    Scopa had sought legal advice on whether the discussion of the Department of Agriculture’s 2016/17 and 2017/18 annual reports is sub judice following the Department’s court action against findings of the auditor-general.

    The Committee heard inputs from its members on how to move forward regarding parts of the annual reports ...

  • Budget Committee (WCPP) Committee Report on Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill
    27 Nov 2018

    The Budget Committee considered the various Standing Committee reports on the votes in the schedule to the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill [B 6-2018]. The Committee supported the Bill, and the ANC expressed its minority view to not support the Bill.

  • Finance (WCPP) Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill: Treasury consideration
    23 Nov 2018

    Report of the meeting to follow.