Mr Cameron Mackenzie

Cameron Mackenzie

About Cameron Mackenzie

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Telecommunications and Postal Services ICT SMME Development Strategy implementation; Cost to Communicate update, with Minister and Deputy Minister
    13 Mar 2018

    The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services briefed the Portfolio Committee on the cost to communicate and the implementation of the ICT SMME Development Strategy. The briefing was the result of the strategy meeting held the previous year.

    The high concentration of the broadband market, as well as the vertically ...

  • Telecommunications and Postal Services USAASA briefing; with Deputy Minister
    6 Mar 2018

    The Deputy Minister of Posts and Telecommunications said that there were challenges in the Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa (USAASA) that the ministry was trying to address. The ministry recommended courses of action to the board, but if nothing happened then interventions were necessary. People had to ...

  • Telecommunications and Postal Services National e-Strategy + e-Government Strategy implementation
    27 Feb 2018


    DATE              :           27 February 2018

    TIME                :           09:30

    VENUE            :           Committee Room 3, 90 Plein Street

    AGENDA         :           Briefing by Department on National e-Government Strategy


    Attendance by Committee Members:



    Name of Member

    Political Party ...

  • Telecommunications and Postal Services Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, SENTECH; Broadband Infraco + USAASA and USAF on Quarter 1 & 2 performance
    20 Feb 2018

    The Committee heard presentations from the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DTPS), SENTECH; Broadband Infraco (BBI); and USAASA and USAF on their performance information for quarters one and two 2017/18.

    Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DTPS)

    The DTPS said that, in the first quarter, 22 out of 26 ...

  • Telecommunications and Postal Services SASSA Project: South African Post Office progress report
    13 Feb 2018

    South African Post Office briefed the Committee on its readiness to migrate social grant beneficiaries to its new integrated grant payment systems. It sought to clarify the confusion and panic surrounding the South African Social Security Agency’s urgent application to the Constitutional Court. SAPO assured Members of Parliament that SASSA ...

  • Telecommunications and Postal Services USAASA progress report on Mpumalanga oversight visit recommendations
    28 Nov 2017

    The Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa (USAASA) presented the findings from their oversight visit to the Mpumalanga municipality, which showed there was an issue with the current service providers that the Agency had outsourced to provide connectivity in Mpumalanga. Upon investigation, it had been discovered that the ...

  • Telecommunications and Postal Services Ikamva National eSkills Institute (iNeSI) Bill: briefing
    14 Nov 2017

    The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services provided an update to the Committee on the INESI bill following on its meeting in March. The Department said the bill had been through a long process of extensive consultation which included the Department of Higher Education (DHE) to determine where e-skills training ...

  • Telecommunications and Postal Services Communications Infrastructure Rapid Deployment: Department briefing, with Minister
    7 Nov 2017

    The Committee met with Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services to be briefed on the rapid deployment of communications infrastructure.

    Highlights of the brief from the Department included the process followed on the rapid Information Communication Technology deployment policy; the aim of the policy; a definition of rapid deployment of ...

  • Telecommunications and Postal Services Cost to Communicate: Research ICT Africa; Spectrum licensing; Election of Chairperson
    31 Oct 2017

    The Committee was briefed by the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DTPS) on the cost to communicate and the spectrum framework in South Africa. The Information Communication and Technology (ICT) uptake and usage showed that in 2015 there were 3 846 332 fixed line subscriptions, 43 666 fixed public phone subscriptions, 72 423 365 ...

  • Telecommunications and Postal Services Telecommunications and Postal Services Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report
    17 Oct 2017

    The Committee considered and approved the Budgetary Review and Recommendation for the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services.  Members made final editing changes to the document – these were mainly minor consisting of grammatical and spelling errors.