Seminar: Is the Rainbow Nation at a turning point?


What do rising levels of protest and a depreciating economic and political climate mean for South Africa’s future? Is the Rainbow Nation at a turning point?

rainbowThis seminar will present the ISS’ latest futures analysis on economics, politics and instability in South Africa up to 2024. Three new papers setting out alternative scenarios and providing policy recommendations will be launched. Co-author Jakkie Cilliers will outline scenarios on the future of the ANC, likely election outcomes, and levels of protest and associated violence.

This seminar is co-hosted by the Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office.

DATE: 29 June 2016

TIME: Registration at 10h00, Seminar from 10h30 - 12h30

VENUE: St Mary’s Cathedral Pastoral Centre, 16 Bouquet Street, Cape Town

Chair: Fr Peter-John Pearson, Director, Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office


  • Jakkie Cilliers, Head, African Futures and Innovation, ISS

  • Judith February, Consultant, ISS


Anu Klaassens

Phone: +27 12 346 9500



Jakkie Cilliers

Phone: +27 12 346 9500



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