Invitation: AEN & PAN Children Roadshow


The Africa Evidence Network and PAN Children are hosting a Cape Town roadshow to further build networks around evidence-informed decision making. We are inviting policy-makers, parliamentary officials, civil society organisations and researchers to explore how we can work together to make better decisions for South Africa - and to provide an opportunity to participate in the networks.

Draft Programme

  • Welcome and opening remarks
  • Africa Evidence Network - building capacity in evidence use: Precious Motha, AEN Coordinator and Laurenz Langer, AEN Researcher
  • Programme to Support Pro-Poor Policy Development (PSPPD) - shared knowledge repository on poverty and inequality: Dr Terry Davies, Team Leader
  • Reporting from Parliament - how should the evidence be packaged? - Yolisa Nogenga, Content Adviser, Portfolio Committee: Social Development
  • Remarks from an NGO Network - policy influencing andf service delivery: tbc
  • PAN Children - why a network on children's rights?: Alison Bullen, Independent consultant and Isabel Magaya, PAN Children Researcher
  • Open discussion and closing

When: 4 March 2016

Where: HSRC Cape Offices

Time: 10h00 to 14h00

RSVP to [email protected] or [email protected]

Note: There will be a link from the Cape Town office to the Pretoria and Durban conferencing centres.


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