Portfolio Committee on Water and Sanitation
Pulane Makena
6 December 2023 6:37 p.m.
Dear Portfolio Committee on Water and Sanitation,
1. I stay in a village known as Tafelkop in the Elias Motwaledi Municipality about 20km from Groblersdal. In this village people used to get water at least once a month but this year 2023 we were only given water only towards end of November 2023 since the last time water was given somewhere in March 2023. I am not sure if this community and other communities in this municipality are taken serious when it comes to the provision of water. Other communities in the country cry loud when there was no water for a day and their cry is given consideration. There are two big dams not far from this village. What is the problem. We are poor but forced to buy water.