Portfolio Committee on Health
Andre Timotheus
Wage Increases
27 February 2023 2:01 p.m.
Dear Portfolio Committee on Health,

NHLS spent about R800 million on top 900 millionaires on salary increases and bonusses.

NHLS also spent R300 million on 7100 employees.

Why are the greedy elite eating so much money whilst the majority workers forfeited 7% on their salaries since 2017.
Factor in also the 2023 CPI total that will close to 7%, then NHLS employees at the bottom end of the salary scales are already 14% behind on earnings.

The NHLS COLA is written into policy.
1. Take CPI
2. The financial situation of NHLS
3. The economic situation of the country.

R1.2 billion was set aside for increases. But the poor workers had to settle for 3 years in a row with a below inflationary increase.

Wastage in NHLS must be investigated.