Portfolio Committee on Tourism
Freda Bennett
21 October 2022 1:53 p.m.
Dear Portfolio Committee on Tourism, please advise what your proposals are in regard to short-term letting and/or airbnb. What are you doing in addition, to protect the rights of sectional title home owners where such owner has only the one home lived in, but whose existence is being disrupted by greedy multiple property owners within a particular community complex using their empty apartments in such sectional title community schemes, for short-term letting and/or airbnb, thus causing home owners not able to enjoy their homes? This practice by the wealthy and greedy renders a sectional title "community complex" impossible to manage and renders most of the legislative requirements ito sectional title living impossible to implement. This practice too turns a complex where harmonious co-existence is encouraged in order to ensure the success of such community scheme, into a nightmare. There are NO SOLUTIONS except to either ban short-term letting in Sectional Title Schemes except by allowing such practices in complexes where ALL OWNERS AGREE, PROVIDED ALL UNITS BELONG TO NON-RESIDENT OWNERS. The wealthy ito multiple sectional title ownership are already wealthy and do not need to be given extra opportunities to make a quick buck and in so doing making the life of a single SECTIONAL TITLE HOME OWNER, A LIVING HELL. Please do not allow the wealthy to ALWAYS TRIUMPH over the less advantaged. Please acknowledge.