Select Committee on Security and Justice
Monya Meyet
Firearm Control Amendment
25 May 2021 2:32 p.m.
Dear Select Committee on Security and Justice,

As South Africans, we are in danger. All of us all the time. I wish you would see though, that the problem is not a license for self defense. The problem is regulating licensing. The problem is the police not showing up and if we might be lucky enough for them to show up nothing much ever really comes of it. The problem is high poverty rates. Violece and crime rates reaching uncomprehendable numbers. The problem is you. The goverment, making wrong decisions for the people of this country. Stop trying to fix problems by making more. Learn to utilize what you already have. You have a police force, better it!
If the SAPD made me feel safe in the past and coming through when I really needed them, I would not have had such a big problem with the banning of this license. Unfortunately though, netheir I nor the rest of the South African citizens feels safe and moreover we don't trust the police to make us feel safe. We have one thing to give us the security we need and that is ourselves, alone and you are taking that from us. If your concern is that I am to inexpereinced to use a gun, regulate me at be Give me a chanve to be licensed to defend myself.

Please do not take my security away.