Mr Tertuis Simmers

Formerly: Western Cape Provincial Legislature

Tertuis Simmers

Mr Tertuis Simmers on social media:

About Tertuis Simmers

Tertuis Simmers was born on 23 March 1983.

Born in Nelspruit, Tertuis Simmers has four children, 3 boys and a girl and is married to Monique Simmers.

He has been active in politics for the past 19 years.

Between 2011-2017 and prior to becoming a Member of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament in 2017, he served as a Mayoral Committee Member (MAYCO), on the Corporate Services, Roads and Asset Management Committee, as well as Speaker of the Eden District Municipality. He has also served as the Minister of Transport and Public Works for the Wester Cape Provincial Legislature.

Apart from serving on the Western Cape Bargaining Council Division of the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), where he was as a member of the Plenary and the Executive between 2011-2017, he also qualified as a Skills Development Facilitator in 2015.


Constituency Offices

Not associated with any constituency offices

Contact Details:



Current positions:

Politician Activity

Attendance of committee meetings:

2024 committee attendance as mp

100% attendance rate (1 of 1 )

2023 committee attendance as mp

73% attendance rate (8 of 11 )

2022 committee attendance as mp

100% attendance rate (6 of 6 )

2021 committee attendance as mp

83% attendance rate (5 of 6 )

2020 committee attendance as mp

100% attendance rate (9 of 9 )

2019 committee attendance as mp

100% attendance rate (7 of 7 )

2018 committee attendance as mp

96% attendance rate (27 of 28 )

DISCLAIMER: This information has been obtained via the Parliamentary Monitoring Group. PMG makes every effort to compile reliable and comprehensive information, but does not claim that the data is 100% accurate and complete.

What they said in committee meetings:

What are committee meetings?

Committee meetings are planned events where real-world impactful work happens such as law-making, oversight and public participation - which are all cornerstones of the work our MPs do. Although often citizens focus on the public debate taking place in main chambers, the majority of MPs' time is spent working within committees. Here is a place to see what your committee is saying.

The Chairperson introduced herself, asked the Committee Members and officials to introduce themselves, and shared apologies from Mr T Simmers ...

Mr T Simmers (DA) said that the presentation referred to improved use of the Road Asset Management Systems (RAMS). How ...

The Chairperson welcomed everyone present and announced that Mr T Simmers (DA) had communicated that he would be late for ...

Questions asked to ministers:

What are questions asked to ministers?

Written questions and feedback are essential tools used by MPs for oversight and hold the executive accountable. This oversight mechanism allows MPs’ to extract detailed information that would normally be difficult to comprehend through oral engagement. You can see the questions that your MPs are asking here.

No questions found

Plenary appearances:

What are plenary appearances?

Plenary sessions are forums that have been created for the purpose of public debate and decision-making. This mechanism is used to convey the messages of our MPs within main chambers on important decisions, like how they vote.

No appearances found