Portfolio Committee on Higher Education, Science and Innovation
Leona Ungerer (Dr)
Assistance in rectifying severe governance oversights at an ODeL institution
1 April 2024 9:23 a.m.
Dear Portfolio Committee on Higher Education, Science and Innovation,

I retired from an ODeL institution in December 2022, but my my career was characterised by severe hardship from 2015 to 2022 because of two main mistakes that the institution's Senex (executive committee of Senate) made. This body indicated in 2012 that I had to register for and complete two qualifications at two separate institutions in 11 months of research and development (R&D) leave. Regrettably, no-one realised the impossibility of this requirement between 2012 and 2024. Then, in 2015, a manager added incorrect information in a memorandum that accompanied my final R&D report, and Senex ruled about my case, based on this incorrect information, without properly reading the report. Both the manager and Senex overlooked a photocopy of one of the completed qualifications on page four of my final report. I only became aware of the reason for Senex's 2015 ruling about my case in 2018 when I obtained a copy of my final report and noticed the memorandum that accompanied my final report without my knowledge.

These oversights had severe implications for my career, because I could never take R&D again. I forfeited more than three years (33 months) of R&D that I had to my credit. I completed a Microsoft Sway (, termed "A comedy of errors" that sets out my case over a decade in a final attempt to gain assistance. (Please copy the URL, paste it in a browser, and click play or scroll through the document). I submitted three reports to the Independent Assessor, but the institution obtained an interdict against being put under administration, and my case may never be heard. I need urgent assistance in order for my name to be cleared and for justice to be served. Please note that I can substantiate all information in this message by means of legal letters and e-mail trails.