Select Committee on Health Social and Services
Mr Noko Mpebe
5 May 2023 8:50 p.m.
Dear Select Committee on Health Social and Services,

I am aggrieved by the unfair labour practices I am subjected to at Lebone College of Emergency Care in Gauteng Health. I was fired for obeying a lawful written agreement by the former principal, that tied me to a full-time study in 2020, for 2021 academic year. The degree is an inherent teaching qualification at government EMS college as per the Necet policy (2017).
Now in 2023 after successful appeal with the MEC of health, reinstatement has not occurred in full. Since the MEC has been changed, I am not getting answers when I enquire about lack of remediation in my case. I am doing a third year of Bachelor of Health Sciences in Emergency Medical Care, registering with HPCSA as Emergency Care Practitioner, a Super Paramedic qualification.
The benefits of having an ECP in the Health:
-Primary Health capabilities beneficial to both primary health clinics and ambulance services.
-Full ICU capabilities in the ambulance.
-Full Neonatal ICU capabilities in transit.
-RSI (anaesthesia pre-hospital advanced airway management)
-Thrombolytic (fibrinolytic) therapy in transit.
-Evidence based research and clinical practice that improves patients outcomes.
-Excellent teaching stuff in Provincial EMS training colleges.
-Many other health benefits for the communities.

While I am working hard to ensure that I achieve the above, I have No financial support from the province. My wife and kids are suffering.
I lost everything as a result of the actions of emploployer representative at the college.
At the time of writing this, I am in the middle of university assessments, stressing about my little girls education fees. I am afraid that I will loose myself if I don't get help soon.

Yours in service
EMS Lecturer ECT