Joint Constitutional Review Committee
Kenneth Mabunda
14 July 2022 9:31 a.m.
Dear Joint Constitutional Review Committee,

I think it's not fair when we challenge our rights when we dismissed by employer. The employers bribe CCMA and BC because they have money and Labour court its expensive if you lost your job. I think if the company paid bribe to the commissioner must be a criminal act and they must be jailed because poor south African are suffering because of someone who will pay bribe or relationship with the commissioners

This thing of Labour court to challenge the case even if its involved criminal must be review and we all know that Labour court need lot money. The commissioner must respect the law why only SAP they arrest one another for committing crime? Crime is crime and the people who committed crime must be arrested before to challenge the matter in Labour court.

Employees pay tax and they are going through a lot with the system of bribe in CCMA and BC the constitution must be review to make sure someone else rights are not violated because of money or being poor.