Ad Hoc Committee to initiate and Introduce Legislation amending Section 25 of the Constitution
WS Ernst
Change of constitution to allow confiscation of property
21 January 2021 10:48 p.m.
Dear Ad Hoc Committee to initiate and Introduce Legislation amending Section 25 of the Constitution,

It is very simple. If you allow the government or anyone else to take without compensation, you do not obey the Lord and his commandments and it will end in misery for all involved.

Taking without compensation is stealing and those who steal don't learn how to provide for themselves. If government legalizes theft the thieves will steal until they have stolen everything that they can steal and there is nothing left to steal. Then they will discover that they are have nothing to be proud of and their lives were empty. Those that are stolen from will be provided for by the Lord and be justified in the end.

Trusting the Lord and no one else