Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation
Sabelo Ngwane
WOL Trainees Stipend Non Payment
2 August 2019 12:19 p.m.
Dear Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation,

I am writing to get the attention of an incumbent minister of dhsws because of non payment of trainee stipends for 2 months now.

I am pleading with you to send this letter to minister so she can be able to assess it and take appropriate action. We as Artisans of Phase 2 about to finish our training across the country all we ask is for the department to transfer funds to Rand water so they can pay us because we need these funds for Rent, Food and Transport. Some of us are very far from home and as things stands are at the brink of being kicked out by land lords, not be able to go to schools for brush ups( trade test preps) and not having food, such in/action from the department has serious negative impact on trainees and we plead with the Minister to react quickly and save us from this humiliation we have suffered it is enough. We do not need to strike if every one stick to contract agreements please. We need at least a communique from DHWS explaining what is happening with the programme because we were used to siphon government money so it seems as things stands now and we are stranded. Thank you.