Portfolio Committee on Health
David van Wyk
Mlining and Community Health
24 October 2019 10:43 a.m.
Dear Portfolio Committee on Health,
The Bench Marks Foundation and communities in Mpumalanga (Vosman and Phola) and Limpopo (AtokMine /Monametse), Twickenham Mine Seobeding, Magobagobe, jointly did a community household health survey which suggests that there are a number of negative health impacts on communities living near these coal, platinum and chrome mines. The communitities are concerned that their Constitutional Right to a Healthy and Safe Environment (Chapter 2, Section 24) is being compromised by these mining operations. The communities are seeking an audience with the Portfolio Committee so as to inform the Committee of the research findings and suggest possible remediation strategies for the future.

Portfolio Committee on Health
6 November 2019 12:45 p.m.
Good day

Thank you for your submission, it will be brought to the attention of the Committee.

Thank you