Portfolio Committee on Employment and Labour
Casual less than. 10 employees
27 August 2019 7:32 p.m.
Dear Portfolio Committee on Employment and Labour,
I would like to know if it is illegal and for a business that employs less than 10 people to make you sign a contract stating that you may not work for more than 27 hours a week after 6 months of working more than 45 hours a week every week for just.comission pay... Then when I told them that I'm supposed to be permanent by now considering the hours I've worked they gave me a contract saying that I am a casual employee and I may not work more than 27 hours a I.worked.on a commission
Basis for 6 months and.they only gane casual contract when I started asking questions... I'd like to know that as a casual worker is it true that I am legally only allowed to work a maximum of 27 hours a week. And what other rights do I have as a casual employee at a business that has less than 10 employees.....