Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans
Petrus Masake
Social benefits
9 August 2019 9:40 a.m.
Dear Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans,

Be pleased to communicate my demand that my name be removed from the Department of Military Veteran's (DMV) data base because it failed to provide my daughter with basic education support since 2014 to date, my business support application unapproved as well as my tertiary education support reduced while I signed approval of R60 000.00. The military veterans of left wing liberation forces are subjected to poverty while others remain within autocratic democracy jails. I've also contacted the Deputy President and the President's office without avail I'm not surprised to learn that the child of the former premier of north west Mr Mahumapelo received a million rand bursary while our children have to study without text books. We have no government but self interests members of parliament in that veterans had made protests which were viewed on national broadcast but this office is just silent. Kindly take note that we overcame apartheid and shall overcome this neo-colonial autocratic democrats.