Somlomo, ndiyabulela ngokundinika eli thuba. Okokuqala mna ndithi lo tata, uMongameli, hayi makakhe aphumle azibeke phantsi intambo. Akazitsali kakuhle. Nditsho ndimele i-EFF, kwaye njengokuba ke ndimi kule ndawo nje, ndiza kuthethela iMarikana. Into awayenzayo eMarikana yokubulala abantwana babantu befuna amalungelo aba, befuna i-R12 500 kuphela, kodwa wakwazi yena ukuba athumele amapolisa aze kubabulala kuba bafuna imali le angafuni kubanika yona. Ndithi makahlale phantsi aphumle. Ukhohlakele! Uthumela amapolisa endaweni yokuba abanike le nto incinane bayifunayo. Nabo bafuna ukuphila njengaye. Bafuna ukwakha izibaya nabo. (Translation of isiXhosa paragraph follows.) [Ms N P SONTI: Hon Speaker, thank you for the opportunity. Firstly, my suggestion is that this man, the President, should relinquish the reins of power. He does not hold them well. I say so on behalf of the EFF, and as I stand here I am going to speak on behalf of the people of Marikana. What he did in Marikana is, he killed people who were demanding their right, a right to earn a wage of only R12 500 per month, by sending the police to go and kill them instead of granting them their demand. I say he must go on retirement and rest. He is cruel! He sent the police instead of granting them the little that they demanded. They also want to live like him. They also want to build kraals.]