Thank you very much, Deputy Speaker.
Hon Minister, I am very worried about these 44 districts that are not delivering any services to the people, more especially water and sanitation ... [Inaudible.] I just want to check, therefore, whether it is not possible to do away with these districts. They are doing nothing to deliver services. That will allow you to concentrate on the local municipalities. Thank you.
at this point we would have to direct this question at the Minister of Co- operative Governance and Traditional Affairs who competence it is to deal with districts as opposed to water resource services, which is what I deal with.
We will be together over the course of the next week, and these are some of the things that worry us a great deal. Where we find that is not workable, we will consider what you are saying.
But the hon member from the DA had raised a question to me that I was not aware of. This is that there had been a request over some time to put Ugu district under administration. I will check why it is taking so long. Because, if that is the case, the best case scenario is when some of these water services are not performing, or these municipalities are not performing is to put them under administration so that we are able to provide services directly to our people who need them.
But I will confer with the Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs and I will come back with a response.
Question 65: