1. The Minister has not been informed about any crisis the Honourable member is referring to. However the Central Authority is always in contact and engaging in joint meetings with the Department of Home Affairs to address any adoption related matter at the level of the adoption central authority.
2. No, the Department of Social Development is not aware of the crisis extending to any other countries.
3. (a) Yes, the department’s policy position on adoption is aligned with The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption that the Republic has acceded as all intercountry adoptions adheres to the principles of the Hague Convention.
(b) Yes, the department’s policy position on adoption is aligned with the bilateral work agreements that the SA Central Authority has concluded with the central authorities of several other countries.
(c) Yes, the department’s policy position is aligned to the bilateral work agreements that child protection organisations in the Republic have entered into with international counterparts, with the endorsement of both governments; hence approval is made for the accredited child protection organisations to enter into working agreements with accredited foreign adoption agencies.
4. No, the Minister has not been informed that the effect of this so-called policy change physically separates families as this matter is still under discussion with her department’s central authority and the Department of Home Affairs.