Speaker, verlede Dinsdagnag, 25 Februarie, is Hendrik en Therese Kloppers van Tarlton in die Mogale City munisipale gebied voor hul drie jong kinders in hul huis aangeval en geskiet - Therese in haar sy, waar die koel vasgesteek het.
Minister van Gesondheid, hulle het na die Leratong-Hospitaal vir behandeling van die skietwonde gegaan, maar is vertel dat die mediese personeel nie op daardie stadium tyd gehad het om die wonde te behandel nie en dat hulle dit self moes skoonmaak. Hulle het dieselfde storie ook met hul tweede besoek gehoor. Eers na ingryping deur Jack Bloom van die DA is Therese se wonde versorg. Gewapende roof in jou eie huis is erg genoeg, maar om dan nog by die hospitaal weggewys te word, is trauma op trauma.
'n Ander pasint is weens nalatigheid dood in dieselfde hospitaal. Die patetiese bestuur in hospitale onder die ANC se beheer is hiervoor verantwoordelik. Kiesers kan nie wag dat hierdie wanpraktyke tot 'n einde kom nie. [Applous.] (Translation of member's statement in Afrikaans follows.)
[Ms A M DREYER (DA): Speaker, last Tuesday night, 25 February, Hendrik and Therese Kloppers of Tarlton in the municipal area of Mogale City were attacked and shot in their home in front of their three young children - Therese in her side where the bullet lodged.
Minister of Health, they went to the Leratong Hospital for treatment of the gunshot wounds, but were told that the medical staff at that stage did not have the time to treat the wounds and that they have to clean it themselves. They heard the same story on their second visit. It was only after the intervention of Jack Bloom of the DA that Therese's wounds were treated. Armed robbery in your own home is bad enough, but then to be showed away by the hospital is adding trauma to trauma.
Another patient died due to negligence in the same hospital. The pathetic management of hospitals under ANC control is the reason for this. Voters can't wait for these malpractices to come to an end. [Applause.]]